We are committed to providing an environment of worship that is inviting and comfortable to everyone from first time guests to longtime members. Our serve team members help in many ways including: greet at the doors, direct people to their seats, prepare and serve communion, and serve in seasonal services.
Ushers: Our usher teams make everyone feel comfortable by providing direction to seats, offering bulletins, and answering questions. Usher teams serve on a rotating basis.
Greeters: We’re looking for people who love to smile and invite people into the church. Greeter teams stand at the outer doors and serve on a rotating basis.
Communion: Serve in two different capacities. Our communion prep teams set up and remove our communion elements before and after services. Our communion serve teams will serve during the worship service at specific stations and offer communion as directed by the pastor. Communion is offered once a month in all our services.
Connection Point: Our Connection Point Team is here to provide a warm and welcoming presence to those that are new along with everyone who walks through our doors on Sunday morning. They are there to answer questions about the church and guide people through their Sunday morning experience which may include walking them to a worship service, Connect Class or helping them get their children to the right classes or care on Sunday morning.
New Member Host: Our New Member Hosts walk new members through the membership process after the worship service.
Parking Lot Ministry: Join "The Movers & The Shakers"! Rise & shine on Sunday morning. Be the first to meet and greet our guests with a warm and welcoming smile via our parking lot golf cart ministry. Two shifts each week from 8:30 - 10:15 and 10:15 - 12:30. Must be between 25 and 70 years young to drive.
Hospitality: Serve in the Loft café providing a warm cup of coffee and a welcoming smile. Servers set up drink stations, set out treats, and provide a friendly face to those who visit the Café before and after weekend worship services on a rotating basis. No experience necessary.
Bulletin Stuffer: Serve on this fun team of on-demand volunteers who gather as needed on select Friday mornings at 10:15 a.m. to collate print materials in the bulletins for all our worship centers (as needed)
Pew Refreshers: Team of individuals who clean up and refresh the print materials in our worship spaces. This can be physically challenging.
Set Up/Tear Down: Also known as our Muscle Team for Church at Montgomery, this for people who would like to assist in the set up and tear down of AV/media equipment, Children's area, and signage/hospitality.